We'll get by with a little help from our friends!!

3 Jun by Chris Joy

Hi Wonga Wizards Family,

I hope you’re all doing well!

We’re reaching out to ask for some extra hands to help in the canteen for the rest of the season. We need volunteers to assist on the grill and to collect supplies. Ideally, we’d love someone who can volunteer on a regular basis, but if you can only spare a morning or afternoon on a Sunday, that would be fantastic too.

No prior experience is needed—just an extra pair of hands to help lighten the load for our current volunteers. As a community club run entirely by volunteers, we wouldn’t be able to run without your support. When you sign your kids up to join the Wonga Wizards, you’re also signing up to be part of this amazing community. Just a little bit of help from each of you makes a huge difference. The more people who volunteer, the easier it is for everyone, and the stronger our sense of community becomes.

If you’re available and willing to help out, please let us know. Every bit of help makes a big difference! Drop me an email if you can help mrcpjoy@gmail.com.

Thank you all for your support and enthusiasm.

Best regards,

Chris Joy and the rest of the Wonga Committee

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